The OXY-MAT™ is the first foam support surface engineered and designed using oxygen saturation technology (OST). This innovative and highly comfortable solution allows your patient’s body to naturally optimize deep-tissue blood oxygen values in areas at greatest risk of pressure injury development. Offering deep body immersion and a low-pressure environment, the OXY-MAT gives patients exceptional comfort and restorative sleep while also addressing pain management.
Pressure injury leading to pressure ulcers is preventable — Oxy-Mat is the non-powered therapeutic surface that presents the solution to this ongoing and growing challenge.
Based on Oxygen Pressure technology, Deep Immersion redistributes weight to reproduce the highest natural oxygen saturation levels.
Oxy-Mat therapeutic support surfaces allow the body to maintain maximum subcutaneous oxygen values, which will increase healthy tissue viability and promote healing.
The bottom line: low tissue oxygen results in pressure injury leading to pressure ulcers. Better pressure management through science means better outcomes.
The OXY-MAT™ Non-Powered Health Care Surface is the first mattress system ever designed using Patented Oxygen Saturation Technology. The unique OXY-MAT™ Design helps the patient’s own body to naturally optimize deep-tissue blood oxygen values in anatomical areas at greatest risk of pressure injury development leading to pressure ulcers, such as the Sacrum, Scapula, Trochanter, Ischium, Head and Heels.
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